
What is Allergy
Allergy is an exaggerated reaction by our immune system in response to exposure to certain foreign substances.It is exaggerated because these foreign substances are seen by the body as harmless.In allergic individuals the body recognize the foreign susbstaces and generate a response.
Allergy producing substances are called “Allergens”.Examples are pollen,dust mite ,molds,animal proteins,foods and medications.

An allergy starts when immune system mistakes a normally harmless substance for a dangerous invader.The immune system then produces antibodies that are always on the alert for that particular allergen.When we are exposed to the allergen again in the future,these antibodies can release a number of immune system chemicals (histamine) that cause allergy symptoms.

Airborne allergens-pollen,animal dander,dust mites
Certain foods-Peanuts,treenuts,wheat,fish
Insect stings-bee or wasp stings
Latex or other substances

It can involve the airways,sinuses and nasal passages, skin and digestive system.
1.Hay fever -Also called allergic rhinitis,may cause:
Itchy ,runny nose
Itchy,watery or swollen eyes
2. Atopic dermatitis -An allergic skin condition also called Eczema, may cause
Itchy skin
Red skin
Flaking or peeling skin
3.Food allergy may cause
Tingling mouth
Swelling of lips,tongue,face or throat
4.Insect sting allergy may cause:
A large areaof swelling at the sting site
Itching or hives all over the body
Cough,chest tightness,wheezing or shortness of breath
5.Drug allergy may cause:
Itchy skin
Facial swellin

Patient history
Skin test-In this test skin is pricked and exposed to small amounts of the proteins found in your potential allergens.If person is allergic, he will develop a raised bump at the test location on the skin.
Blood test-A radioallergosorbent test (RAST) can measure the immune system’s response to a specific allergen by measuring the amount of allergy causing antibodies in the blood stream (IgE).

1.Allergens avoidance
2.Emergency Epinephrine-It should be kept all the time if a person has a severe allergy.
3.As it is an altered immune condition where there is formation of autoantibodies so Homeopathic medicines normalizes the altered immunity.