
What is Autism
Autism is a disorder of neural development characterized by impaired social interaction and communication and by restricted and repetitive behavior that appears in the first 3 years of life, and affects the brain’s normal development of social and communication skills.

•It was once thought that heritability contributes about 90% of the risk of a child developing autism, but environmental factors have been underestimated, and genetics overestimated, for their roles in autism-spectrum disorders. The heritablity of autism complex and typically it is unclear which genes are responsible. In rare cases, autism is strongly associated with agents that cause birth defects. Many other causes have been proposed, such as childhood immunizations but numerous clinical studies have shown no scientific evidence supporting any link between vaccinations and autism.

•Marked deficits in communication and social interaction
•Language impairment
•Preoccupation with fantasy
•Abnormal behavior, such as repetitive acts and excessive possessiveness to certain objects such as car, doll, keys
•Intellectual impairment
•Annoying obstinacy in behavior
•Poor verbal expression, uses gesture to point out for his needs
•Repeating words or phrases
•Laughing, crying without apparent cause
•Prefers solitude
•Throws Tantrums
•Difficulty in social interaction with his age or elders
•No eye contact while communication
•Unresponsive teaching
•Failure to perceive fears of danger, leading to jumping from high place, playing with pointed objects
•physical hyper-activity or under-activity
•Underdeveloped fine motor skills
•Not responsive to verbal instructions with normal hearing
•Spinning objects
•Inappropriate possessiveness to objects
•Over-sensitivity or under-sensitivity to pain
•Screaming and shouting out of proportion
•Repeats the same words (echolalia)
•Delayed Milestones
•Recurrent Illness